
The Sims 2: University - News

Please note I'm currently working on the new site. I didn't want to take the site offline though, so you can still visit it. However me working on the site while it's still online means a lot of the pages will appear wonky. But not to worry, it won't take too long. Happy

De Sims 2: Studentenleven zal vanaf donderdag 10 maart verkrijgbaar zijn!

Wednesday January 5 Tim LeTourneau visited The Netherlands. During his visit he gave a demonstration from the upcoming game The Sims 2 University.

Five people from the community were present. Akajoris, LeeRoyNR09, Moepmoep1, Soubiyo and Simsnetwork were the lucky winning people; they had the chance to shake Tim's hand and ask him anything about the new Sims game where your Sims can go to college! You can read some of the community members experience here (Dutch only)!

Here is the first trailer for The Sims 2 University!

In this trailer you can see how a Sim uses a cow plant to get rid of his rival!

Happy New Year Everyone,

I hope this T-Mail finds you all well, and that you had a safe and happy New Year. I know many have been touched by the disaster in SE Asia, even some at Electronic Arts, and I can only hope that each of you has been spared personal loss in this tragic event.

Tim LeTourneauTim LeTourneau, senior producer van De Sims 2 komt naar Nederland en België; 10 community leden zullen erbij zijn!

Zoals jullie onlangs op deze site hebben kunnen lezen, brengt Tim LeTourneau (senior producer van De Sims 2) op 5 en 6 januari een bezoek aan Nederland (Amsterdam) en België (Brussel).

Tim LeTourneauTim LeTourneau, Senior Producer van De Sims 2, zal op 5 januari in Nederland aanwezig zijn en op 6 januari zal hij België bezoeken!

Tijdens zijn bezoek zal hij meer vertellen over de allereerste Expansion Pack voor De Sims 2.

What's that new button in the nav bar? Why it's a direct link to all the latest info about The Sims 2 University Expansion Pack! College town, new young adult age group, earn degrees and open up new careers! Find out more in the Expansion section.

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